15,200 years = 2500 years

the cycle begins at the “North Pole” at year zero and then ends in “Antarctica” at year 2500, resulting in what you call a “weakening magnetic field” and “navigational errors.” as noted by Halley, whom Halley’s “comet” is named after.

Halley is the one who decided the term saros.

saros 133 is (was) linked to lunar cycle 126 which occurred “at the moon’s ascending node, 18 years 11 and 1/3 days” and is responsible for compressing the “Kali Yuga” into what was. At the time, 18 year cycles.

so you have your 44th and 45th “presidents”

it just does this over and over and over again, like an 8 track cassette, rinse lather and repeat.

until it doesn’t.

so we are kept in the “habitable zone” where events and objects and memories stay roughly the same for the entire 2500 year cycle, then people who are “outside of time” (outside of the referenced area below) rewrite history and steal everything , including the valor of all our heroes and cartographers and scientists and warriors… like the plot to Lemony Snicketts.

13 perfected = 13-3

What ends this cycle?

A so called “Carrington event.”

which corresponds to an annular eclipse that wrapped around earth and tilted it like picking ip a record needle and putting it in another groove on December 12, “clown world” 1871 and the mirror earths December 12, 1872.

So the Act of 1871, uh, sorta never happened.

clown world was captured by “the crown” this way and “brexit” legally fucked that here, too.

whatever trump did or didn’t accomplish, he gave enough hope to , and/or persuaded uk voters to bust up a secretive one world government that already existed and subjugated the copy that’s one year ahead. Because they can always go back a year and say “see that was made law a year ago” or “voters decided that a year ago” and clown worlds laws affect the mirror world……. so they really want to take all the power away from voters “here” because what happens here, is legal there , “as above so below” and that’s the real reason they shit their fucking pants when trump was elected.

sorry to inform you, but your “trash world” is very real it is not a simulation or a digital metaverse and it’s not just going to magically go away like a used Kleenex with your toxic waste and errors and fraud and then go “re-heal” itself for 15,200 years for you.

They’d rather you believed it was a “simulation” or a “timeline” than ever admit the truth.

They’d rather you stress yourself out and die a death of despair on drugs or alcohol for them.

so the “tower of babel” was probably a worm hole created by telescopes in 1812/1813. just like the one they opened up in 2019.

it can be fixed with a great big *giggle* argon quantum eraser.

search results for “argon”

that looks just like this:

and that’s what “toon dip” is.

do you like the red shoe?

When you believe in magic, your death will be tragic….

it could also look like a great big borg cube or a star with a green laser, and it would .. probably… broadcast on an “FM” signal.. that’s what they tried to hit me with on the freeway in Florida in 2020… anyway they “invented fm radio” in 1933.

probably trying to synchronize their clocks via radio before they invented the atomic clock- because before that they used to drop a “time ball” and look at each others time ball through telescopes to sync their “time.”

what else might have happened after that?

Speaking of Reichstag burnings, they’ve gotten the US Capitol like four times now.