I know your principal pillar stationed in Okinawa and he knows me. We met in the middle. dude you have guys that are still stuck in that disaster and “MIA”

Okinawa is the , I guess, first or last place on earth, where this happened. I have no idea what happened in Moscow in 2006 but there was another eclipse when I visited, ha, maybe Wendy Rogers is right and I am a Russian bot. Well even if that’s the case I’m still more useful to your constituency than you are and I never begged anyone for four million dollars to get nothing done.

you forgot a name and its service dates on a plaque somewhere in Wisconsin… 15200 / 2500 = 608 , NANPA area codes are a low key way of identifying your reincarnation cycle, they not only dont help their lost service members, they find their twin in clown world and bankrupt themselves trying to snuff them… just like fucking King Herod did… what a nice “christian” nation…..

would also mean the “federal reserve act” never happened.

and that the acts of 1871, Nixon and his gold bullshit never happened.

and that literally everything is fake fema news to pacify us… well, is that exactly “informed consent” and what does it portend when you ask us to die for a lie?

you ever just kinda get stuck in (maybe, idk) two places forever?


it’s the “eagle”

the “three body problem” :

the “three body problem” :

the “three body problem” :

the “three body problem” :

“sometimes the planet just deserves it..”

And why is there always… argon……

“wars and pandemics” and its all because YOU went to a restaurant! its all because YOU didn’t get a vaccine or follow the arrows on the floor! its all because your grandma told my grandma im gonna set your flag on fire!

all for god and country” amirite ….